Guidance on Soya PDF Tag test

Soya hasbeen part of the human diet for centuries butin recent years our consumption of soya in the UK has really taken off, particularly in the form ofdairy alternatives but also in the form of plantbased meat alternatives.Global dieteticand healthbodies consider soya to be the hero dairy alternativedue toits unique protein content. There is an inescapable urgent planetary health argument for plantbased diets.Dietitians, nutritionists and other health professionals are telling us that they areencountering a variety of questions andmisconceptionsfrom patients and the publicabout soya in connection to the menopause, muscle building, cancer, men’s health and children’s growth and development.A MyNutriWeb survey of200 dietitians, nutritionists and other health professionals, conducted in March,revealedthat most (79%) are detecting a growing interest in soya from the patients and people that they advise.There has been a raft of new academic research in this fieldand this monthsees thepublication in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutritionof the most extensive scientific review on soya isoflavones and whether they warrant classification as endocrine disruptors. This tenauthor review overwhelmingly countersmisplaced concerns and brings to light the overwhelming evidence that soya foods and drinks are not only safe buthave the potential to health outcomes.

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