Resource Hub

Based on your feedback, we proudly introduce the MyNutriWeb Resource Hub!
At MyNutriWeb, we strive to keep you at the forefront of nutritional knowledge with the most current and up-to-date resources. Our Resource Hub is now home to our carefully curated and ever-expanding collection of informative session summaries, posters and fact sheets, along with soon-to-be-available CPD endorsed blogs from our expert team and trusted partners.

Behaviour & food system change

Changing Behaviours Session Summary

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National Food Strategy Session Summary

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Processed Meats Factsheet

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Shared with kind of permission of WCRF

Cardiometabolic health

UPF and Heart Health Session Summary

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Women's Health: Atherosclerosis Session Summary

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Cholesterol Lowering Session Summary

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Sleep & Heart Health Session Summary

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LDL Cholesterol Session Summary

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LDL Nutrition Session Summary

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Conditions & diseases

ARFID Session Summary

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Dysphagia Session Summary

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Coeliac Disease: Non Biopsy Approach Session Summary

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Eating Disorders: Warning Signs Session Summary

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NAFLD Session Summary

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum Session Summary

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Long COVID Session Summary

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PCOS Session Summary

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Vegan/Plant-based Diets and Bone Health Summary

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Diabetes and Sweeteners Session Summary

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Managing Diabetes on a South Asian Diet Session Summary

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Gestational Diabetes Session Summary

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T2DM & Gut Microbiome Session Summary

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Low Carb Diets & Diabetes Session Summary

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T2DM in Children Session Summary

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Foods & drink

How to Spot a Fad Diet Poster

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Healthy Hydration Poster

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Immunity Session Summary

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Tips to Reduce Salt Poster

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Soya Science Session Summary

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Sugar & Children Session Summary

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Calories Don't Count Session Summary

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5-A-Day Factsheet

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Shared with kind permission of WCRF

Nutrition & Hydration Digest 3rd Ed.

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Given with kind permission of the BDA Food Services Group

Complete Nutrition

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Given with kind permission of Huel

Gut health

Probiotics Session Summary

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30 Plant Points Poster

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FODMAPS & IBS Session Summary

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Making Sense of Fibre Session Summary

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Coeliac Disease & Me

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Shared with kind permission of Dr Schär

Coeliac Disease & Me Tear Off Sheet

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Shared with kind permission of Dr Schär

Guide to Living with Coeliac Disease

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Shared with kind permission of Dr Schär

Low FODMAP - Reintroduction & Personalisation

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Shared with kind permission of Dr Schär

Low FODMAP - Restricting FODMAPs

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Shared with kind permission of Dr Schär

Healthy Eating & Lifestyle for IBS

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Shared with kind permission of Dr Schär

Reframing Dietary Therapies for IBS Session Summary

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The Gut-Brain Axis Session Summary

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Probiotics Session Summary

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Hot Topics

Cost of Living Crisis Session Summary

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How to Spot Nutrition Misinformation

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Shared with kind permission of Huel

Macro & micro nutrients

Fibre on a Gluten Free Diet Factsheet

Click to download

Made in collaboration with Cristian Costas Batlle

Folic Acid: Fortification Timeline

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Vitamin D: Gut Health Session Summary

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Vitamin D: Update Session Summary

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Vitamin D: Immunity Session Summary

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The Importance of Fibre

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Shared with kind permission of Huel

Nutrition across ages & sexes

Female Fertility Session Summary

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Fussy Eating Session Summary

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Plant-based Eating for Children Factsheet

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Menopause Session Summary

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Specific diets

The South Asian Eatwell Guide Session Summary

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Given with kind of permission of Fareeha Jay

The African & Caribbean Eatwell Guide Session Summary

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Passover: Dietary Considerations Poster

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The South Asian Eatwell Guide

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Sustainable eating

Sustainable Diets: Key Updates Session Summary

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What's In Season - Month by Month

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Plant Proteins: The Truth Session Summary

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What is a Plant-Based Diet? Poster

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Plant-based Drinks Session Factsheet

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Made in collaboration with Charlotte Radcliffe RNutr

Plant-based Meat Alternatives Factsheet

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Made in collaboration with Charlotte Radcliffe RNutr

Plant-based Eatwell Guide Factsheet

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Shared with kind permission of the plant-based health professionals UK

Top Tips for Sustainable Eating

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Shared with kind permission of Alpro Foundation

Food System

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Shared with kind permission of Alpro Foundation

Plant-rich diets

Click to download

Shared with kind permission of Huel

Useful organisations

NHD – Network Health Digest
‘As Dietitians and Nutritionists we need to actively engage with continual professional development and lifelong learning. Nutrition is such a dynamic subject it’s great that My Nutri Web complement their brilliant webinars with fantastic infographic summaries. As someone who is very much a visual learner I’m so grateful for these resources!’
Nick Trott

Gastroenterology Dietitian