Following on from our roundtable ’Sustainability in Nutrition and Dietetics’, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the symposium. If you missed the live symposium, you can register to watch the recording.
Sustainable Diets and Nutrition: Fundamentals for Human and Planetary Health. MyNutriWeb. CPD endorsed short online course with 5 modules. £150.
“Sustainability is an area that is applicable to the practice of all registrants. This course will aid registrants in gaining confidence to incorporate sustainability aspects into their practice and provide advice in respect to this. It is positive to see that the course considers different population groups and incorporates tests to check understanding.” – Association for Nutrition
Transforming the Global Food System for Human Health and Resilience (2023). IPCC. This report advocates for a significant shift in strategy for global food system transformation towards a focus on both human and planetary health.
Climate Change 2022 (2022). Intergovernmental panel of climate change (IPCC). Full report to assess the impacts of climate change on nature and humanity, and their capacities and limits for adaptation
Sustainable Diets Policy (2021). The British Dietetic Association. Policy statement prepared by a specially convened BDA working group
Delivering a net zero NHS (2020). NHS. This report provides a detailed account of the NHS’ modelling and analytics underpinning the latest NHS carbon footprint, trajectories to net zero and the interventions required to achieve that ambition.
Food Planet Health (2019). EAT Lancet. Summary report of the EAT-Lancet Commission
Net Zero – The UK’s Contribution to Stopping Global Warming (2019). Climate Change Committee. The Committee on Climate Change recommends a new emissions target for the UK: net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050
Sustainable healthy diets – Guiding principles (2019). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organisation (WHO). Report which aims to support the effects of countries as they work to transform food systems to deliver on sustainable healthy diet
Planetary boundaries (2015). Stockholm Resilience Centre. Four of nine planetary boundaries have now been crossed as a result of human activity
AICR’s Guide to a Plant-Based Diet. American Institute for Cancer Research.
Sustainable Diets. BDA.
BDA Tips for a Sustainable Diet. BDA.
Plant-Based Nutrition in Clinical Practice (2022).
Newsletter – The Huel Healthcare Professional Insider
@BDA_Sustainable (Twitter) and @bda_sustainablediets (Instagram) for the specialist group
Dr Christian Reynolds
Reader, Centre for Food Policy, City At George’s, University of London, UK
Jessica Sansom
Sustainability Director at Huel®
James Collier
Co-founder and Chief Sustainable Nutrition Officer, Huel®
Rosie Martin
Dietitian, UK
Professor Sarah Bridle
Chair in Food, Climate and Society at the University of York
Duncan Williamson
Chief advisor on sustainable gastronomy at the Barilla Foundation, Head of advocacy and public affairs at Rainforest Alliance and trustee at Eating Better
Why what we eat matters for climate change. Jessica Sansom.
Plant-rich Diets. Jessica Sansom.
Sustainable Eating for the South Asian Community. Fareeha Jay.
It was a very interesting topic and presentation, kudos to all the presenters! I really enjoyed it.. Thanks