R Free 60mins Optimising Gut Health Empowering Individuals Catherine Rabess Wednesday 6 November 2024 20:00–21:00 GMT Register for free #OptimisingGutHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Optimising Gut Health Empowering Individuals Catherine Rabess Wednesday 6 November...
Following on from our webinar Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: Latest Strategies and Evidence, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar. If you missed the live webinar, you can register to watch the recording. Yakult...
Dr Holly Neill – Holly is the Science Officer at Yakult UK and Ireland where she communicates the latest research on the gut microbiota, probiotics, and health. Before moving to industry, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher and has published her research...
Following on from our webinar, The Microbiome of IBD and CD – Potential Mechanisms of Probiotics we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar. If you missed the live webinar, you can register to watch the recording....
By Christian Shaw, ACP and specialist gastroenterology dietitian The low FODMAP diet is a complex and restrictive approach which can be difficult to follow and may not be suitable for some patients.1-3 Fructans are oligosaccharides which are reduced as part of the low...