Optimising Nutritional Care
Laura Clarke, Emily Stuart
Wednesday 15 March 2023 20:00–21:00 GMT
Optimising Nutritional Care
Laura Clarke, Emily Stuart
Wednesday 15 March 2023 20:00–21:00 GMT
Individuals with dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) may have problems swallowing certain foods or liquids, or may be unable to swallow at all, therefore optimising nutritional care is vital. This webinar will cover the role of dietitians in dysphagia care.
Patients with dysphagia typically fall within the Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) service, however there is a huge overlap of joint working required between dietitians and SLTs for patients who are on texture modified diet, thickened fluids, require consideration for enteral feeding and who require risk feeding discussions.
In the first part of this webinar, Dietitian & Dysphagia Practitioner, Laura Clarke, covers how dietitians can support the nutritional management of patients with dysphagia. Laura shares real-life patient examples and information on dysphagia training.
Next, Company Dietitian for apetito and Wiltshire Farm Foods, Emily Stuart, shares how dietitians working in an industry setting can influence the suitability and nutritional content of products, particularly when they will be consumed by nutritionally vulnerable individuals.
This webinar will cover two distinct ways that dietitians, and other HCPs, can positively impact the lives of those living with dysphagia.
We’ll cover:
- Nutritional management of patients with dysphagia
- Benefits of dietitians completing dysphagia training
- The role of a dietitian in an industry setting
- Creating nutritionally suitable, safe meals for people with dysphagia
We’re also joined by expert chair, Alison Smith, to guide discussions and live Q&A.
Watch this webinar to:
Gain understanding of
Presentation 1
- Nutritional management of patients with dysphagia
- The training required to be a dysphagia practitioner
- The impact of a dietitian being a dysphagia trained practitioner
Presentation 2
- The role of a dietitian in a product development setting
- The role of a dietitian in a wider industry setting
- How dietitians in development can positively impact the nutrition of individuals living with dysphagia
Be aware of
Presentation 1
- The barriers to nutritional management of dysphagia
- The challenges of accessing dysphagia training
- Real life patient examples and outcomes
Presentation 2
- The enhanced focus that goes into creating nutritionally suitable, safe meals for people with dysphagia
- The varying areas that need to be considered when developing meals for individuals with dysphagia
- The challenges that can arise throughout the process and how these are overcome
Be able to
Presentation 1
- Identify the overlap between the two areas of practice (dietetics and dysphagia)
- Know who to ask to if you are interested in becoming a dysphagia trained practitioner
- Consider what the future holds for dietitians being trained in dysphagia
Presentation 2
- Support your patients with dysphagia more holistically as a result of knowing more about the modified food which they often rely on
- More confidently guide your patients toward the most suitable texture modified meals for their needs
- Know where to go if you require more information about how texture modified food is made

Expert speakers
Laura Clarke
Clinical Team Lead – Dietetics, Dysphagia Practitioner, Doncaster Care Group – Physical Health Services, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust
Laura graduated in 2015 from Leeds Beckett and works as an RD in Rotherham and Doncaster South Humber NHS Trust, predominantly in the community setting.
Laura has a passion for oral and enteral nutrition support with 2 years’ experience in her extended role as a dysphagia practitioner, working closely with the SLT team to provide timely and effective and evidenced based care to patients with a variety of clinical conditions.

Emily Stuart
Company Dietitian, apetito and Wiltshire Farm Foods
Emily Stuart is the Company Dietitian for apetito and Wiltshire Farm Foods. She has worked for the company for around 3 years, before which she enjoyed a career in clinical dietetics in various specialties and settings. Emily’s role is diverse, focusing on supporting the development of products into various sectors, guiding on the provision of therapeutic diet solutions, training, policy, and working closely with marketing and PR teams. She is a member of the BDA and committee member of the Food Services Specialist Group of the BDA.

Alison Smith
Prescribing Support Consultant Dietitian, Pharmacy & Medicines Optimisation Team, Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board
Alison’s role focusses on appropriate prescribing of nutrition products, with particular remits for prevention, identification and appropriate treatment of malnutrition using a food-based approach. Alison’s interests include malnutrition, hydration, nutrition screening, care homes, frailty, sarcopenia, dysphagia, dementia, pressure injury and end of life.

This webinar is approved for CPD by the AfN
With more individuals with dysphagia living in the community, this is a particularly relevant topic for those working with individuals, in healthcare settings and within the food industry
Webinar slides and links to other key resources will be sent within 2 weeks of viewing the live webinar, along with a separate personalised CPD certificate to save for your files. Add to your safe senders to ensure you receive them.
This webinar is being run in association with Wiltshire Farm Foods and The Older People Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association
About Wiltshire Farm Foods
As experts in nutrition, Wiltshire Farm Foods has been developing home delivered ready meals for over 30 years. They have a team of registered dietitians and expert chefs who work closely to ensure all their meals support their customers’ nutritional needs. The award-winning Softer Foods range has been created for those with swallowing difficulties – to ensure that everyone has access to a safe and nutritious meal. To find out more visit their website or order a FREE copy of their Softer Foods brochure.
About The Older People Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association
This specialist group of the BDA supports dietitians in all areas where they may support older people. The group takes part in national weeks to support older adults, consults on NICE guidelines and Clinical Reference Groups for older people and develops training and resources to enhance the skills of the dietetic workforce.
You can follow this group on Twitter @BDA_olderpeople and Instagram @bda_olderpeople
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