Following on from our webinar ‘Future Proofing Heart Health: The Role of LDL Cholesterol and Diet’, we have pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar, plus some additional ones on the topic. We have also included useful websites and social media accounts recommended to keep up to date on the subject. If you missed the live webinar you can watch the recordings of PART ONE and PART TWO.
Download PDF visual summaries of the main webinar messages. Click the graphics below to download PART ONE and PART TWO,
Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification (updated 2021). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Clinical guidelines for cardiovascular disease
ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias (2019), European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society (ESC/EAS). Latest guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias providing evidence-based guidance on diet and lifestyle recommendations
Saturated fats and health: SACN report (2019), The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN). Report on saturated fats and health
2017 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway for Optimization of Heart Failure Treatment (2017). American College of Cardiology (ACC). 2017 focused update of the 2016 ACC expert consensus decision pathway on the role of non-statin therapies for LDL-cholesterol lowering in the management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk
2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (2016). European Society of Cardiology/European Association of Preventive Cardiology. European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice
National Lipid Association Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia (2015). National Lipid Association. National Lipid Association recommendations for patient-centered management of dyslipidemia
Joint British Societies’ consensus recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (JBS3) (2014). Joint British Society. Consensus recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Associations of Changes in Blood Lipid Concentrations with Changes in Dietary Cholesterol Intake in the Context of a Healthy Low-Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diet: A Secondary Analysis of the DIETFITS Trial (2021). Vergara et al. A study which evaluated the associations between 12-month changes in dietary cholesterol intake (mg/day) and changes in plasma lipids, particularly low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol for those following a healthy low-carbohydrate (HLC) diet
Cholesterol, Lipoproteins & Lipids: Understanding CVD Risk (2020), Sigma Nutrition. First Sigma Statement for the ‘Diet and Cardiovascular Disease’ series
The Impact of Diet on Blood Lipids (2020), Sigma Nutrition. Second Sigma Statement for the ‘Diet and Cardiovascular Disease’ series
How Diet Influences Heart Disease Risk (2020), Sigma Nutrition. This Sigma Statement draws together the evidence from the previous two statements in the Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Series
Low-density lipoproteins cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (2020), Boren at al. Consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel highlighting the link between LDL and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
How ‘State of the Art’ is the JACC Saturated Fat Review? (2020). Alinea Nutrition. A closer look into the JACC Saturated Fat Review
Apolipoprotein B Particles and Cardiovascular Disease: A Narrative Review (2019). Sniderman et al. Study showing that the net effect is that all LDL-C particles pose relatively equal risk
Dairy matrix effects: response to consumption of dairy fat differs when eaten within the cheese matrix—a randomized controlled trial (2018). Feeney et al. Study finding that cheese has a different effect on blood lipids compared to butter
Percent reduction in LDL cholesterol following high-intensity statin therapy (2016). Ridker P et al. Data supporting guidelines into statin lowering therapy that incorporate % reduction targets for therapy
Effects of free sugars on blood pressure and lipids: a systematic review and meta-analysis of nutritional isoenergetic intervention trials (2016). Fattore et al. Research into free sugars and blood lipid profile
Effect of naturally random allocation to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol on the risk of coronary heart disease mediated by polymorphisms in NPC1L1, HMGCR, or both: a 2 × 2 factorial Mendelian randomization study (2015). Ference et al. Genetic study into LDL as a causal pathway for CVD
A meta-analysis of red yeast rice: an effective and relatively safe alternative approach for dyslipidemia (2014). Li et al. Meta-analysis into the effects of red yeast rice for dyslipidaemia
Plant sterols and plant stanols in the management of dyslipidaemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease (2013), Gylling et al. Study looking into the LDL-lowering properties of plant sterols and stanols
Effect of long-term exposure to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol beginning early in life on the risk of coronary heart disease: a Mendelian randomization analysis (2012), Ference et al. Study looking into the effect of long-term exposure to lower plasma LDL-C on the risk of coronary heart disease
Effects of moderate (MF) versus lower fat (LF) diets on lipids and lipoproteins: a meta-analysis of clinical trials in subjects with and without diabetes (2009). Study into the role of fats and lipids
Subendothelial lipoprotein retention as the initiating process in atherosclerosis: update and therapeutic implications (2007). Tabas et al. Study showing how the different lipoprotein particles are related to atherogenic risk
Sequence Variations in PCSK9, Low LDL, and Protection against Coronary Heart Disease (2006). Cohen et al. Study into the effects of DNA-sequence variations that reduce plasma levels of LDL cholesterol on the incidence of coronary events
Benecol Health Care Professional Newsletter. Sign up to Benecol’s quarterly newsletter designed for health care professionals
Keeping Your Heart Happy. Patient information leaflet
Cholesterol, simplified. Patient tear off pad
The Benefits of Plant Stanols – An infographic highlighting the cholesterol lowering abilities of plant stanols
Plant Stanol Ester Clinical Summary (2019). A clinical summary into the role of plant stanols
E-learning for Cholesterol Lowering Diet (2020). Interactive modules providing an overview of lowering cholesterol with diet
Cholesterol (2021). British Dietetic Association (BDA). Fact sheet all about cholesterol and top dietary tips for lowering cholesterol
Heart Health (2020), BDA. Fact sheet giving an overview into diet and heart health
Soya (2020), BDA. Fact sheet into the role of soya, including how it can benefit heart health
Omega 3 (2020), BDA. All about the importance of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet
Saturated Fats (2020), The National Health Service (NHS). Top tips for reducing saturated fats
Sterols and Stanols (2018), BDA. A look into the role of sterols and stanols, foods scientifically proven to help lower cholesterol
Fat Facts (2018), British Dietetic Association (BDA). Fact sheet discussing the different type of fats in the diet and their role
Healthy Eating Guide (2018), HEART UK. A booklet providing expert advice into lowering cholesterol through diet
Taking control of saturated fats (2018), British Heart Foundation. Patient leaflet all about reducing saturated fats
Taking control of sugar (2018), British Heart Foundation. Patient leaflet all about reducing sugar intake
Understanding Cholesterol (2018), British Heart Foundation. Patient leaflet covering the role of cholesterol lowering in cardiovascular disease
The Portfolio Diet for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction (2019), Wendy Jenkins, Amy Jenkins & Alexandra Jenkins. A comprehensive guide to the evidence based approach to lowering cholesterol through plant food consumption.
Cardiovascular Disease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Risk Factors (2019), British Nutrition Foundation. Updated second edition textbook into cardiovascular and the role of nutrition.
@heartukcharity (Instagram) & @heartukcharity (Twitter) for HEART UK
@escardio (Twitter) & europeansocietyofcardiology (Instagram) & European Society of Cardiology for the European Society of Cardiology
@worldheartfed (Twitter) and World Heart Federation (Website) for the World Heart Federation – principal representative body for the global cardiovascular community
@the_bhf (Instagram), @thebhf (Twitter) and British Heart Foundation (Website) British charity for cardiovascular disease
All Things Diet and Heart Health (2021) – webinar with Dr Wendy Hall and RD Juliette Kellow covering the dietary aspects of heart health
A Good Night’s Sleep: Can It Support A Heart Healthy Diet? (2021) – webinar with Dr Wendy Hall discussed the impact of sleep on cardiovascular health
Cardiometabolic Health & Plant Based Eating – Part 1 (2020) A webinar with Professor Bruce Griffin and Professor David Jenkins discussing the types of dietary patterns impacting on cardiometabolic health & the scientific evidence for the Portfolio Diet and the Ultimate Cholesterol Lowering Plan© – UCLP©
Cardiometabolic Health & Plant Based Eating – Part 2 (2020) Part 2 of the series
UCLP© Webinar (2019) RD Elphee Medici talks through the UCLP© and how it can be applied in practice
Plant-Based Eating and Cardiometabolic Health (2020) Summary of the scientific update on plant-based eating and heart health
Cholesterol and food – new science based plan (2020) An outline of the UCLP© and the evidence behind it
Will the SACN report put an end to the saturated fat debate? (2020) Here we discuss the debate around saturated fats and heart health