Sweeteners and Cancer Risk:
Unpicking the link
Duane Mellor, Dr Caroline Childs
Tuesday 12 July 20:00–21:00 BST
Artificial sweeteners are widely available within the UK and are used in the food industry as an alternative to sugar, yet their effects on health are often questioned, including their impact on cancer risk. During this journal club, Duane Mellor will be exploring new research which investigated the link between specific sweeteners and risk of cancer – unpicking the link and translating this into practical messages.
Watch this webinar to
Gain clear understanding of:
- How challenging it can be to assess dietary intake of specific artificial sweeteners
- The limitations of epidemiological studies in assessing risk of disease
- How to effectively communicate what studies like this do and do not say about what the public should be eating
Be aware of:
- Which confounding factors may be influencing the reported results
- Whether the effect reported can be attributed to the sweeteners as suggested or could it be something else
- Principles of association and causality and the application of principles such as Bradford-Hill criteria
Be able to:
- Explain the implications of this research to the public with respect to what to put in their tea or coffee
- Communicate concept of risks and benefits based on nutrition research to the public
- Explain the merits of a study as well as its limitations
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Expert speaker
Duane Mellor
Registered Dietitian
Duane Mellor is a registered dietitian who is the Aston Medical School lead for Nutrition and Evidence Based Medicine. Having a background in clinical dietetics supporting people living with diabetes he moved into medical education when joining Aston University.
Paper reference
This session discusses the paper: Debras, Charlotte et al. “Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study.” PLoS medicine vol. 19,3 e1003950. 24 Mar. 2022, doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1003950

About Journal Club Chair, Dr Caroline Childs
Each Journal Club session is chaired by Dr Caroline Childs, Nutrition and Metabolism subject lead in Medicine at the University of Southampton. She received student-nominated awards for ‘most engaging lecturer’ and ‘best pastoral support’ and a colleague-nominated award for teaching excellence. Dr Childs is a Nutrition Society Ambassador and a South East Regional Representative for the Association for Nutrition.
As she says, “Developing skills in critical appraisal is an essential part of being a competent nutrition professional – whether you’re a dietitian, nutritionist or health professional specialising in nutrition.”
Nutrition research reported in the media often highlights mixed or contradictory results between studies. So, as a nutrition professional, how can you ensure you use the strongest available evidence to inform your practice?
This webinar has been approved for CPD by the AfN
Once you have viewed a full recorded session the mynutriweb team will review and arrange to send you your certificate via email from hello@mynutriweb.com within two weeks of viewing the session.
This webinar is being run in association with the Oncology Specialist Group (OSG) of the British Dietetic Association
and The World Cancer Research Fund
About The Oncology Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association
The OSG are a well-established BDA Specialist Group. Their committee work to support its members on keeping them up to date with literature, resources, and events. In addition, they support and collaborate with external groups to create new resources or comment on documents and relevant media.
Further details about the group and can be found on Twitter and Instagram
About The World Cancer Research Fund
The World Cancer Research Fund are experts in cancer prevention. They champion the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world on cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity, to help people make informed lifestyle choices to reduce their cancer risk. Find out more here.
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