Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour?

Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour?

R Free  60mins Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour? Dr Duane Mellor Tuesday 9 July 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this Recording i Season 5 #MNWJournalClub #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Reformulation is a key area of food product development and...
UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes

UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes

R Free  60mins UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes Long Li Tuesday 18 June 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this recording i Season 5 #MNWJournalClub #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Ultra-processed foods (UPF), as defined using the Nova food...
The State of the Nation’s Food Industry

The State of the Nation’s Food Industry

By Chloe Mackean, Business Engagement Manager, The Food Foundation The impact that our diets have on climate change is now well documented. The food system accounts for a third of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), of which livestock farming is a major contributor....
Night shift workers and weight management

Night shift workers and weight management

R Free  60mins Night shift workers and weight management Dr Rachel Gibson Tuesday 14 May 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this Recording i Season 5 #MNWJournalClub #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Shift workers comprises 13-27% of the workforce...