

Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour?

Dr Duane Mellor

Tuesday 9 July 2024 20:00–21:00 BST

Season 5


Reformulation is a key area of food product development and is seen as a way to make existing foods healthier. However, are some foods categorically less healthy and can ingredient substitution such as sugar removal, potentially introduce different health issues?

Following the much-anticipated guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO), published last year, with regard to the role of non-sugar sweeteners (NSS) in health, there has been significant coverage in the media around the safety of NSS and in particular, their role within weight management. The report did not recommend the use of NSS for weight control due to the lack of robust evidence.

In this Journal Club session, Dr Duane Mellor, senior specialist dietitian, will delve into a recently published randomised controlled trial (RCT), published in the The Lancet. This trial measured appetite sensations and post-prandial responses to biscuit consumption, comparing biscuits sweetened with either table sugar or one of two different sugar free sweeteners.

This session covers:

  • How to evaluate data from a randomised controlled trial and appreciate strengths and limitations
  • The goals for sugar reduction and recommendations with respect to free sugar intake
  • The challenges of reformulation in different food categories and the potential for unintended consequences

Watch this webinar to

Gain clear understanding of:
  • The goals for sugar reduction and recommendations with respect to free sugar intake
  • The challenges of reformulation in different food categories and the potential for unintended consequences
  • The strength of the evidence considering study type and design​
Be aware of:
  • How appetite and prandial physiological markers are used to assess the biological effects of a reformulated product
  • Properties of sugar as an ingredient and how it can go beyond adding sweetness to a product.
  • The strengths and limitations of the randomised controlled trial
Be able to:
  • Explain options to reduce sugar intake, including product reformulation
  • Explain the role of sugar in foods, including its physical and chemical functions in some foods

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Dr Duane Mellor Senior Teaching Fellow Aston Medical School Aston University

Expert speaker

Dr Duane Mellor
Senior Specialist Dietitian (Paediatric Diabetes), University of Leicester Hospitals


Each Journal Club session is chaired by Dr Pippa Gibson.
Pippa gained her BSc from the University of Surrey, before returning to complete her PhD where she studied the role of vitamin D on the progression of paediatric liver disease. After graduating Pippa moved to King’s College London as a post-doctoral research associate investigating the role of interesterified fats on cardiometabolic health before moving into the gastrointestinal health team investigating the role of dietary compounds on constipation and functional bloating. Pippa left academia for industry and joined a contract catering company, Accent Catering, as Head of Nutrition, primarily working in nutrition education in schools to promote healthy messages across all ages. Pippa has recently moved to The British Nutrition Foundation working as a Senior Nutrition Scientist. Pippa also regularly contributes to MyNutriWeb blogs on a range of topics.

Paper reference

Gibbons C, Beaulieu K, Almiron-Roig E, et al. Acute and two-week effects of neotame, stevia rebaudioside M and sucrose-sweetened biscuits on postprandial appetite and endocrine response in adults with overweight/obesity-a randomised crossover trial from the SWEET consortium. EBioMedicine. 2024;102:105005. doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105005 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(24)00040-9/fulltext

Dr Caroline Childs - Lecturer in Nutritional Sciences within Medicine at the University of Southampton

About Journal Club Chair, Dr Pippa Gibson RNutr PhD


Each Journal Club session is chaired by Dr Pippa Gibson.
Pippa is a registered nutritionist having gained her BSc and PhD from the University of Surrey, where she studied the role of vitamin D on the progression of paediatric liver disease. Pippa has held research positions at King’s College London before moving into industry where she worked in nutrition education. She now works at the British Nutrition Foundation where she is a senior nutrition scientist. You can find some of Pippa’s work on the MyNutriWeb pages as she regularly contributes to the MyNutriWeb blogs.


Nutrition research reported in the media often highlights mixed or contradictory results between studies. So, as a nutrition professional, how can you ensure you use the strongest available evidence to inform your practice?


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