Following on from our webinar ‘Alcohol and Cancer’, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar, plus some additional ones on the topic. We have also included useful websites and social media accounts recommended to keep up to date on the subject. If you missed the live webinar, you can watch the recording.

Download a PDF visual summary of the main webinar message.


Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing (MUP) on sales-based alcohol consumption in Scotland: controlled interrupted time series analyses – briefing paper (2021). Public Health Scotland. Paper into the impact of the MUP on alcohol consumption in Scotland. There was a  net reduction in per adult off-trade alcohol sales of between 4% and 5% in Scotland in the 12 months following the implementation of MUP

Global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption: a population-based study (2021). Rumgay et al. Findings highlighting the need for effective policy and interventions to increase awareness of cancer risks associated with alcohol use and decrease overall alcohol consumption to prevent the burden of alcohol-attributable cancers

Drinking in Dark: How Alcohol Labelling Fails Consumers (2020). Alcohol Health Alliance. Report highlighting that more than 70% of the labels from a sample of alcohol containers still did not include the official, up-to date low-risk drinking guidelines

Small Change: Alcohol at Pocket Money Prices (2020). Alcohol Health Alliance. Pricing survey 2020

Alcohol marketing during the 2020 Six Nations Championship: A frequency analysis (2020). Institute of Alcohol Studies. Report finding that alcohol marketing appeared frequently in televised broadcasts of the 2020 Six Nations Championship

‘Its Everywhere’ – Alcohol’s Public Face and Private Harm (2020). Alcohol Health Alliance. The final report of the commission on alcohol harm. The Commission received over 140 submissions of written evidence from organisations and individuals

Alcoholic Drinks and the risk of Cancer (2018). World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). Latest report on alcohol and cancer from the Continuous Update Project

How we drink, what we think (2018). Alcohol Health Alliance. Public views on alcohol and alcohol policies in the UK

Adult drinking habits in Great Britain (2018). Office for National Statistics. Annual data for Great Britain on teetotalism, drinking in the week before survey interview, frequent drinking and units drunk, including analysis by sex, age and socioeconomic status

Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: A Global Perspective (2018). WCRF. Third Expert Report from the Continuous Update Project (CUP)

Recommendations and Public Health and Policy Implications (2018). WCRF. Evidence that the recommendations for cancer prevention from WCRF work


Resources and Statistics – Reports and publications

Blog – Blog posts by the Alcohol Health Alliance

Become A Campaigner  – Receive regular email updates full of campaign news and opportunities to get involved including: writing to your MP, inputting your views into our policy responses, taking part in surveys and helping us with our social media campaigns


Interactive Alcohol Calorie Calculator.  Calculator revealing how many calories someone has consumed in alcohol over the course of a day of  week

Alcohol Free Drinks Recipes. A collection of alcohol free drinks recipes

Limit Alcohol Consumption. Top tips from the WCRF including their recommendation to avoid alcohol for cancer protection

Continuous Update Project (CUP) Learn more about what the CUP is and its importance in cancer research

The 10 cancer prevention recommendations The top recommendations from WCRF for cancer prevention

Cancer Prevention E-Learning Course Online course accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health covering information about lifestyle and cancer prevention


How can I cut down on alcohol? (2021). Cancer Research UK. Top tips and guidance from UK charity

Alcohol: FAQs (2021). British Nutrition Foundation. Recommendations for limits and practical tips to help lower alcohol consumption

Alcohol Facts (2019). British Dietetic Association. Fact sheet with practical tips from the BDA

AlcoholNational Health Service (NHS). Guidelines and and risks association with alcohol consumption

Mocktails Made EasyDrink Aware. Alcohol free mocktail recipes

Unit and Calorie CalculatorDrink Aware. Calorie guide for alcoholic drinks

Self Assessment Test. Drink Aware. A tool developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), called ‘AUDIT’, that is used internationally by medical professionals to check for alcohol harm, including dependence

ReduceMyRisk.TV .Balance. Campaign to raise awareness of the harms associated with alcohol


Try Dry . Alcohol for Change. Free tracker app, to help those joining in with Dry January

MyDrinkAwareDrink Aware. Free tracker app to help reduce alcohol consumption

Drink Free Days. NHS .Free tracker app from the NHS to help reduce alcohol consumption


@UK_AHA (Twitter) and AHA UK (Website) for the Alcohol Health Alliance

@AHA_IRL (Twitter) for the Alcohol Health Alliance Ireland

@AlcoholChangeUK (Twitter), alcoholchangeuk (Instagram) and Alcohol Change (Website) for Alcohol to Change

@DrinkAware (Twitter) and Drink Aware (Website) for Drink Aware

@nicole_musuwo (Twitter) for Nicole Musuwo – Nutritionist (ANutr), Science team @wcrfint

@WCRF_UK (Twitter) and WCRF (Instagram) for WCRF

@wcrfint Twitter for WCRF International

@IARCWHO Twitter for the International Agency for Research on Cancer

@aicrtweets Twitter for the American Institute of Cancer Research

@CR_UK (Twitter), Cancer Research UK (Instagram) and Cancer Research UK (website) for Cancer Research UK

@CRUKResearch Twitter for Science and Innovation at Cancer Research UK

@CRUK_Policy Twitter for Cancer Research UK Policy Team

BDA Oncology Specialist Group Instagram for the specialist oncology group of the British Dietetic Association (BDA)

@Drinkaware (Twitter), Drinkaware_trust (Instagram) and Drink Aware (website) for Drink Aware

@macmillancancer (Twitter), Macmillancancer (Instagram) and Macmillan Cancer Support (website) for Macmillan Cancer UK


HOW CAN THE GOVERNMENT REDUCE ALCOHOL HARM IN THE UK? (2021). Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance UK explores what steps the government must take to improve our nation’s health

BREAST CANCER: USING DIET AND LIFESTYLE TO REDUCE RISK AND RECURRENCE (2021), Blog post by Toral Shah (Urban Kitchen) looking into the latest dietary advice for reducing breast cancer risk, including advice on alcohol

Eating Well After Cancer (2021). A webinar with RD Adele Hug exploring dietary advice for after cancer, with supporting resource blog

Breast Cancer and Diet (2021), A webinar with Rachel Clark and Toral Shah providing the latest evidence around breast cancer and diet, including a discussion around reducing risk and addressing inequalities

Eat Well During Cancer (2020), A webinar with RD Adele Hug and Melissa Mogor going through the role of food and nutrition during cancer and cancer treatments