Following on from our webinar ‘Eating Well After Cancer’, we have pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar, plus some additional ones on the topic. We have also included useful websites and social media accounts recommended to keep up to date on the subject. If you missed the live webinar, you can watch the recording.
Download a PDF visual summary of the main webinar message.
Reports and Guidelines
Cancer Survival Statistics (2021), Cancer Research UK. A look at the latest survival statistics for the UK
Cancer Risks (2021), Cancer Research UK. The risk factors for cancer
The Management of Glycaemic Control in Patients with Cancer (2021), Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care. Report of a working party on behalf of the UK Chemotherapy Board and Joint Diabetes Societies for Inpatient care
NOURISHING framework (2021), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). A framework to promote healthy diets and reduce obesity
British Society of Gastroenterology endorsed guidance for the management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced enterocolitis (2020), British Society of Gastroenterology. A consensus framework for the investigation and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced enterocolitis
UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines (2020), UK Oncology Nursing Society. Rapid assessment and toolkit for those having received/are receiving systemic anticancer therapy
Breast Cancer Survival Statistics (2018), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). Report with the evidence behind breast cancer survival
Early and locally advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and management (2018), (National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)). NICE guidelines for the diagnosis and management of breast cancer including lifestyle advice
Nutrition Support for Adults Oral Nutrition Support, Enteral Tube Feeding and Parenteral Nutrition: Clinical guideline (2017), NICE. NICE guidelines on nutrition support
Managing Heart Health During and After Cancer Treatment (2015), Macmillan UK. A quick guide aimed at primary health care professionals around heart health during cancer treatment
Guidance: The Practical Management of The Gastrointestinal symptoms of pelvic radiation disease (2014), British Medical Journals – Frontline Gastroenterology. A guide, including algorithmic steps, for the management of the symptoms associated with Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD)
Final Report: Evaluation of health workforce readiness and confidence in managing the consequences of cancer as a long term condition (2011), Faithful, S. et al – University of Surrey & Macmillan). Readiness of UK nursing and allied health professionals in management the increasing and future needs of cancer survivors
Diabetes and Cancer: A consensus report (2010), American Diabetes Association. A consensus report to address the associations between diabetes and cancer
Nutrition and cancer: evidence gaps and opportunities for improving knowledge (2020), Thorne et al. Research into the dietary and lifestyle factors for cancer
Perceptions of Oncology Providers and Cancer Survivors on the Role of Nutrition in Cancer Care and Their Views on the “NutriCare” Program (2020), Keaver, L et al. A study reporting that survivors were interested in and providers supportive of integrating nutrition into oncology care
Investigating the nutritional advice and support given to colorectal cancer survivors in the UK: is it fit for purpose and does it address their needs? (2020), Matsell et al. Study which indicated that a high proportion of colorectal cancer patients are not receiving the nutritional support they need to overcome nutritional difficulties
The Secrets of the Mediterranean Diet. Does [Only] Olive Oil Matter? (2019), Mazzocchi, A. et al. Summary of the current knowledge around the role of olive oil within the Mediterranean diet
Randomized controlled trial of dietary fiber for the prevention of radiation-induced gastrointestinal toxicity during pelvic radiotherapy (2017), Wedlake et al. Study looking into the role of fibre and cancer therapy and whether it is evidence based to suggest a low fibre diet is need during pelvic radiotherapy
Lifestyle advice to cancer survivors: a qualitative study on perspectives of health professionals (2017), Koutoukidis, D., et al. Study looking into successful behaviour change to help improve outcomes for cancer survivors
Guide to managing persistent upper gastrointestinal symptoms during and after treatment for cancer (2017), H Jervoise N Andreyev et al. A systematic review into the management of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with cancer
Lactose intolerance associated with adjuvant 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy for colorectal cancer (2014), Osterlund et al. Study looking into chemotherapy treatment and the link to lactose intolerance
Practical Resources
Free Cooking Classes (2021), Life Kitchen. Free cooking classes ran in partnership with the WCRF for patients on chemotherapy
Challenging cancer diets myths (2021), Rhian Colins and Victoria Nelson for the British Dietetic Association. An article exploring the myths around cancer and diet, with advice on the alkaline diet and sugar
How does processed and red meat cause cancer and how much matters? (2021), Cancer Research UK. An update into the role of processed and red meat and cancer
Red Meat and The Risk of Bowel Cancer (2021), National Health Service (NHS), NHS advice around red meat and bowel cancer including practical tips
Life After Cancer (2020), Irish Cancer Society. A 65 page guide to living well after cancer, including lifestyle advice
Diet and Cancer (2017), Irish Cancer Society. A 37 page booklet with lots of information around diet and cancer including common eating problems during treatment
Your Diet After Cancer Treatment, Irish Cancer Society. Advice on the eating difficulties that may be experienced after cancer treatment
Nutrition Books and Resources (Culturally Inclusive) (2011), TaiTalksNutrition. An Instagram post by a Registered Dietitian showing recommended books and resources for healthy eating in different cultures
Food Facts, The British Dietetic Association. A range of leaflets for various related topics
Food First Project Leaflets, The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN). Leaflets written by Cathy Forbes – Advanced Specialist Dietitian focusing on nutrition support including 100 Calorie Boosters, Making Every Mouthful Count, Keeping Healthy on a High Calorie Diet, Hydration Boosters and Nourishing Drinks
Understanding Cancer Booklets, Cancer Council Australia Cancer Council Australia. A range of booklets written for people affected by cancer, with practical information
Food Fact Sheets, The Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute. A selection of food fact sheets including those specific to cancer such as complementary diets, tips for coping with treatment, cancer survivorship, palliative care, reduce your risk of cancer
Food and Cancer, The Food Medic (Dr Hazel Wallace) for Trekstock. An evidence-based guide covering diet and cancer, with recipes included
WCRF Resources
Continuous Update Project (CUP) – Learn more about what the CUP is and its importance in cancer research
The 10 cancer prevention recommendations – The top recommendations from WCRF for cancer prevention
Cancer Prevention E-Learning Course – New online course accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health covering information about lifestyle and cancer prevention
Recipes to inspire your cooking (2018-2021), Healthy nutritionally analysed recipes all free to download including flavour and nutrition, slow cooking, British favourites, comforting cuisine, enjoy greens, everyday eating, light bites, simple stews, solely fish and Ryan Riley recipes
Eat Well (2019), How to eat well to reduce the risk of cancer, including advice on ‘reshape your plate’
Eat Well During Cancer (2018), A 52 page guide to eating well during cancer, written with support from the British Dietetic Association’s Oncology Specialist Group
Healthy Habits – E-news available to sign up for to hear about our WCRF prevention work, health tips, recipes and research findings
Coping with Cancer Side Effects – Advice, recipes and lifestyle tips for coping with cancer treatment including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery
- Diarrhoea
- Loss of Appetite
- Weight Loss
- Constipation
- Wind
- Feeling Sick
- Mouth Problems
- Taste Changes
- Infections
- Weight Gain
- Fatigue
RDUK Chats
Cancer Prevention (2018), Catch up on a discussion between registered dietitians around diet and cancer prevention
Social media and Websites
@Huggy_Dietitian (Twitter) and Huggy_dietitian (Instagram) for Adele Hug (RD, webinar speaker)
@WCRF_UK (Twitter) and WCRF (Instagram) for WCRF
@wcrfint Twitter for WCRF International
@IARCWHO Twitter for the International Agency for Research on Cancer
@aicrtweets Twitter for the American Institute of Cancer Research
@CR_UK (Twitter), Cancer Research UK (Instagram) and Cancer Research UK (website) for Cancer Research UK
@CRUKResearch Twitter for Science and Innovation at Cancer Research UK
@CRUK_Policy Twitter for Cancer Research UK Policy Team
BDA Oncology Specialist Group Instagram for the specialist oncology group of the British Dietetic Association (BDA)
@Drinkaware (Twitter), Drinkaware_trust (Instagram) and Drink Aware (website) for Drink Aware
@TheBHF (Twitter), The BHF (Instagram) and The British Heart Foundation (website) for the British Heart Foundation
@macmillancancer (Twitter), Macmillancancer (Instagram) and Macmillan Cancer Support (website) for Macmillan Cancer UK
@heartukcharity Instagram and Twitter account for HEART UK, the heart charity
@worldheartfed Twitter account for the World Heart Federation
Related MyNutriWeb Webinars
Breast Cancer and Diet (2021), A webinar with Rachel Clark and Toral Shah providing the latest evidence around breast cancer and diet, including a discussion around reducing risk and addressing inequalities
Eat Well During Cancer (2020), A webinar with RD Adele Hug and Melissa Mogor going through the role of food and nutrition during cancer and cancer treatments
Reducing Blood Pressure (2021), A webinar with Sonia Pombo, from Action on Salt summarising the latest advice into reduce blood pressure and the role of diet
Cardiometabolic Health & Plant Based Eating – Part 1 (2020), A webinar with Professor Bruce Griffin and Professor David Jenkins discussing the types of dietary patterns impacting on cardiometabolic health & the scientific evidence for the Portfolio Diet and the UCLP©
Cardiometabolic Health & Plant Based Eating – Part 2 (2020), Part 2 of the series
The Truth About Soya (2020), Dr Mark Messina dispels many of the myths and facts around consumption of soya in the diet, including the discussion around breast cancer and soya
UCLP© Webinar (2019), RD Elphee Medici talks through the UCLP© and how it can be applied in practice
LAST UPDATED: August 2021