Following on from our all-day Early-life Nutrition Masterclass, we have pulled together some of the key resources on the various topics covered throughout the day. To help you find the content you’re most interested in, it’s divided into three posts: pre-conception, pregnancy and postnatal/early childhood nutrition (this one!).
We’ve included the key resources mentioned within the webinars, as well as additional practical resources and useful places to go to look for information on the topics, including websites and social media accounts. If you missed the live masterclass, you can watch the recordings.
Global Targets 2025 (2021), WHO. Global nutrition targets for stunting, anaemia, low birth weight, childhood overweight, breastfeeding and wasting.
Tackling obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives (2020), Department of Health & Social Care. Action plan into talking adult and childhood obesity.
DRAFT PROPOSALS: Commercial baby food and drink guidelines (2020), PHE. Proposed guidelines into commercial baby food.
Appropriate age range for introduction of complementary feeding into an infant’s diet (2019), EFSA. Recommendations on when solids are safe to be introduced to babies.
Commercial infant and baby food and drink: evidence review (2019), Public Health England (PHE). Review into how healthy baby food on the market is in comparison to government guidelines.
Obesity Profile (2019), PHE. Statistics into the prevalence of overweight/obesity in children.
The State of the World’s Children (2019), UniCef. Report into the issue of children, food and nutrition, in which it was highlighted that one third of children under age 5 are malnourished – stunted, wasted or overweight.
Appropriate age range for introduction of complementary feeding into an infant’s diet (2019), EFSA. Opinion on the appropriate age for introduction of complementary feeding of infants.
Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (2018), SACN. Report into infant feeding from birth up to 12 months of age.
Preventing Food Allergy in Higher Risk Infants: Summary for Healthcare Professionals (2018), BSACI & BDA Food Allergy Specialist Group. Guidance for healthcare professionals on the management of food allergies.
Ending Childhood Obesity (2017), World Health Organisation. An action plan towards ending childhood obesity.
Childhood obesity: a plan for action (2017), Department of Health and Social Care. UK action plan into childhood obesity.
Clinical trials investigating how to best prevent Peanut Allergy (ongoing) – the LEAP study, Immune Tolerance Network. Trials into how best to manage infants with peanut allergies.
Overview of oral tolerance induction for prevention of food allergy ‐ where are we now? (2021), Krawiec et al. A review into early introduction of allergenic foods & oral tolerance, discussing guidelines into the topic and highlighting areas for further research.
A Consensus Approach to the Primary Prevention of Food Allergy Through Nutrition (2021), Fleischer et al. Collating the latest evidence from the current guidelines into the management of food allergies.
A Consensus Approach to the Primary Prevention of Food Allergy Through Nutrition (2020), Fleischer et al. Guidance from several organisations into the management of food allergies.
Vitamin D supplementation for term breastfed infants to prevent vitamin D deficiency and improve bone health (2020), Tan ML et al. A Cochrane review into vitamin D supplementation in breastfed infants.
Affordability of the UK’s Eatwell Guide (2018), The Food Foundation. Research into how affordable the Eatwell Guide is for groups of the UK population.
Improved Nutrition in the First 1000 Days and Adult Human Capital and Health (2017), Martorell et al. Review into the importance of nutrition in the first 1000 days of life.
Child development: risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries (2007), Walker et al. Evidence behind the key risk factors where the need for intervention is urgent.
Practical resources
Eating well: the first year (2020), First Steps Nutrition Trust. A guide to introducing solids and eating well up to baby’s first birthday.
Eating Well for New Mums (2020), First Steps Nutrition Trust. A comprehensive guide into all aspects of nutrition for new mums, including advice on breastfeeding.
Eating Well: Vegan Infants and Under 5s (2020), First Steps Nutrition Trust. A guide aimed specifically at early feeding for vegans.
Healthy Start and Best Start Foods: A Practical Guide (2020), First Steps Nutrition Trust. Guidance to health professionals on the Healthy Start scheme and the Scottish Best Start Foods Scheme.
Complementary Feeding (2019), BDA. Factsheet covering advice into complementary feeding (starting solids).
Breastfeeding (2018), BDA. Practical advice into breastfeeding.
Preventing Food Allergy In Your Baby: Information for Parents (2018), BSACI & BDA Food Allergy Specialist Group. Advice to families on preventing food allergies in babies at higher risk of food allergy.
Introducing Solid Foods (2015), National Health Service (NHS). A leaflet giving clear advice to parents on when to introduce solid foods to their baby.
Off To The Best Start (2015), NHS. Information about feeding for a healthier start in life.
Books and Blogs
When Do I Start My Baby on Solid Food? (2021), SR Nutrition. Blog post into the current evidence for weaning.
The Importance of Nutrition During the First 1000 Days of Life (2020), SR Nutrition. Blog post highlighting the importance of the first 1000 days of life, with practical advice.
What to Eat Whilst Breastfeeding (2020), SR Nutrition. Practical advice for mum’s breastfeeding.
Wean in 15 (2020), Joe Wicks. A weaning recipe book, developed with registered nutritionist Charlotte Stirling-Reed.
Social media and websites
@Allergy_Academy and Allergy Academy Twitter and website for the King’s College London Allergy Academy, full of many useful resources.
@Lifecourse_KCL Twitter for Kings College London.
@HelloHealthyYou and @hellohealthyyou_ Twitter and Instagram handles for webinar speaker, Jenny Rosborough – Registered Nutritionist and Head of Nutrition at Jamie Oliver.
@karenwrightRD Twitter for webinar speaker, Karen Wright – Paediatric Dietitian with a special interest in food allergy.
@MRC_LEU Twitter account for the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit at the University of Southampton.
@BDAMaternal and @bda_maternalandfertility & BDA Maternal Health Twitter, Instagram and website for the specialist maternal and fertility BDA group.
@BDA_Paediatrics and BDA Paediatrics Twitter and website for the specialist paediatric BDA group.
@BDA_FASG and BDA Food Allergy Group Twitter and website for the specialist food allergy BDA group.
@BSACI_Allergy and The British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology (BSACI) Twitter and Website for BSACI – UK’s leading organisation for healthcare professionals caring for patients with allergies
@NHS_Parents, @start4lifeuk and NHS Start 4 Life Twitter, Instagram and Website for NHS Start 4 Life.
@AllergyUK1, @allergy_uk and Allergy UK Twitter, Instagram and website for Allergy UK – leading national charity.
@1stepsnutrition and First Steps Nutrition Trust Website Twitter and website for First Steps Nutrition Trust – independent UK Charity providing evidence based information & resources about good nutrition from pre-conception to 5 years.
@biteback2030 Instagram handle for youth-led charity campaigning to ensure all young people have access to affordable and healthy food.
@mummynutrition and @mummynutrition Twitter and Instagram handle for UK RD Nichola Lundlam-Raine’s with advice for pregnancy and beyond.
@sr_nutrition Instagram for Charlotte Stirling-Reed – Registered Baby and Child Nutritionist.
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Here is the link for the webinar recording: