Following on from our all-day Early-life Nutrition Masterclass, we’ve pulled together some key resources on the various topics covered throughout the day. To help you find the content you’re most interested in, it’s divided into three posts: pregnancy (this one!), pre-conception and postnatal/early-childhood nutrition.
We’ve included the key resources mentioned within the webinars, as well as additional practical resources and useful places to go to look for information on the topics, including websites and social media accounts. If you missed the live masterclass, you can watch the recordings.
Policy Statement – Food Fortification (2021), BDA. Policy statement regarding fortification of foods, including folic acid in flour.
Guidance for maternal medicine services in the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (2020), Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG). Maternity care and guidance in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies- Clinical Guideline CG62 (2019), National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE). Clinical guidelines including lifestyle considerations for pregnancy.
Antenatal care – Quality Standard QS22 (2016), NICE. Quality standards into antenatal care, including advice on risk of gestational diabetes.
Maternal and child nutrition – Quality Standard QS98 (2015), NICE. NICE advice into how to eat healthily in pregnancy.
Maternal and child nutrition (updated 2014), NICE. Public health guidelines by NICE, first published in 2008.
Vitamin D: supplement use in specific population groups (2014), NICE. Vitamin D recommendations and requirements including during pregnancy.
Vitamin D in Pregnancy (2014), RCOG. Vitamin D recommendations and requirements including during pregnancy.
Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for iodine (2014), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Requirements for iodine during pregnancy.
SACN Statement on Iodine and Health (2014), Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN). An overview of the current evidence into iodine deficiency in the UK and iodine requirements, including during pregnancy.
Weight management before, during and after pregnancy (2010), NICE. Guidelines on body weight management during and after pregnancy.
Effect of metformin in addition to dietary and lifestyle advice for pregnant women who are overweight or obese (2019), Dodd et al. Study looking into the use of metformin for pregnant women which found no significant benefits for pregnancy and birth outcomes.
Preconceptional and maternal obesity: epidemiology and health consequences (2016), Poston et al. Evidence into the risks associated with overweight/obesity during in pregnancy.
Effect of a behavioural intervention in obese pregnant women (the UPBEAT study): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (2015), Poston et al. Investigation into whether behavioural interventions might improve clinical outcomes in pregnant women who are obese.
Antenatal lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese: LIMIT randomised trial (2014), Dodd et al. Randomised trial into the relationship between antenatal lifestyle advice and maternal pregnancy and birth outcomes.
Southampton Women’s Survey (Ongoing research), Medical Research Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit. The only study in Europe in which women from the general population were recruited when not pregnant and then those who then became pregnant were followed through pregnancy and the children followed up.
Practical Resources
Folic Acid (2019), British Dietetic Association (BDA). Advice for folic acid requirements during pregnancy and how to meet them.
Everyday Life With Gestational Diabetes (2019), Diabetes UK. Practical advice for pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Iodine (2019), BDA. All about iodine including advice for pregnant women.
How do I watch my weight during pregnancy? (2018), Nutrition and Diet Resources (NDR). A comprehensive leaflet available for dietitians to order, giving advice for women with a BMI of 25kg/m2 or over at the start of their pregnancy.
Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (2018), RCOG. Guide to having a higher body mass index during pregnancy.
Eating well for a healthy pregnancy, a practical guide (2017), First Steps Nutrition Trust. A comprehensive practical guide for healthy nutrition during pregnancy.
A Nutrition Guide for pregnancy & breastfeeding (2017), The Vegan Society. A useful guide designed to help those following a vegan diet eat well during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Pregnancy and Diet (2016), BDA. Healthy eating pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy.
Healthy eating and vitamin supplements in pregnancy (2014), RCOG. Healthy eating in pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes (2013), RCOG. Guide to diabetes in pregnancy.
Eating well in pregnancy: A recipe guide for teenagers (2013), First Steps Nutrition Trust. A recipe guide for teenagers.
GDm-Health in Action, Sensyne Health. A prescribed digital app for the remote management of diabetes in pregnancy.
Health app: GDm-Health for people with gestational diabetes (2017), NICE. Evidence summary into the use of GDm-Health.
Books and Blogs
How To Eat Well During Pregnancy – Pregnancy Food Checklist (2020), SR Nutrition. Blog post into eating well during pregnancy.
The Gestational Diabetes Cookbook (2019), RD Sara Monk Rivera. Written by a registered dietitian, this book contains 101 healthy recipes.
Gestational Diabetes (2018), Carbs & Cals. 100 recipes designed by diabetes specialist dietitians and supported by Diabetes UK.
MyNutriWeb Webinars
Iodine Deficiency In the UK: Who Is At Risk? (2019). Dr Sarah Bath outlines the role of iodine and explains the evidence for iodine deficiency in UK pregnant women.
@Lifecourse_KCL Twitter for Kings College London.
@karenwrightRD Twitter for webinar speaker, Karen Wright – Paediatric Dietitian with a special interest in food allergy.
@MRC_LEU Twitter account for the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit at the University of Southampton.
@BDAMaternal and @bda_maternalandfertility & BDA Maternal Health Twitter, Instagram and website for the specialist maternal and fertility BDA group.
@NHS_Parents, @start4lifeuk and NHS Start 4 Life Twitter, Instagram and Website for NHS Start 4 Life.
@AllergyUK1, @allergy_uk and Allergy UK Twitter, Instagram and website for Allergy UK – leading national charity.
@1stepsnutrition and First Steps Nutrition Trust Website Twitter and website for First Steps Nutrition Trust – independent UK Charity providing evidence based information & resources about good nutrition from pre-conception to 5 years.
@biteback2030 Instagram handle for youth-led charity campaigning to ensure all young people have access to affordable and healthy food.
@mummynutrition and @mummynutrition Twitter and Instagram handle for UK RD Nichola Lundlam-Raine’s with advice for pregnancy and beyond. Instagram for registered dietitian Ro Huntriss with a specialism into fertility and nutrition.
@sr_nutrition Instagram for Charlotte Stirling-Reed – Registered Baby and Child Nutritionist.
@drsarahbath Twitter handle for lecturer Dr Sarah Bath, with a research interest in iodine intake/status in the UK.