Nutritional Challenges – Girls and Women in Sports

Nutritional Challenges – Girls and Women in Sports

R Free  60mins Nutritional Challenges Girls and Women in Sports Faye Townsend Wednesday 17 July 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this Recording #FemSportsNut #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Nutritional Challenges Girls and Women in Sports Faye Townsend Wednesday 17 July 2024...
Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour?

Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour?

R Free  60mins Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour? Dr Duane Mellor Tuesday 9 July 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this Recording i Season 5 #MNWJournalClub #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Reformulation is a key area of food product development and...
UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes

UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes

R Free  60mins UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes Long Li Tuesday 18 June 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this recording i Season 5 #MNWJournalClub #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Ultra-processed foods (UPF), as defined using the Nova food...
The Microbiome of IBD and CD

The Microbiome of IBD and CD

R Free  60mins The Microbiome of IBD and CD Potential mechanisms of probiotics Dr Bridgette Wilson, Cristian Costas Batlle Wednesday 22 May 2024 20:00–21:00 BST View this Recording #MicroIBDCD #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb The Microbiome of IBD and CD Potential mechanisms...
Food Trends and Fads: what health professionals need to know

Food Trends and Fads: what health professionals need to know

With the power to influence and change what consumers eat, it’s vital health professionals stay abreast of food trends and fads. Registered Dietitian Juliette Kellow explains… The start of a new year typically brings with it a barrage of food, diet and nutrition...