Probiotics in Gut Disorders Management

Probiotics in Gut Disorders Management

By Diana Koklonis, Clinical Account Team Manager at Optibac Probiotics. Bachelor in Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons), MSc in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism Written in collaboration with the healthcare professional support team at Optibac Probiotics. Probiotics in gut...
Are fermented foods the answer for gut health?

Are fermented foods the answer for gut health?

By Pippa Gibson RNutr Gut health seems to be on the tip of everybody’s tongue right now, including that of food manufacturers and home fermenters alike. But with the variety and range of fermented foods available, are all fermented foods equal? Or perhaps more...
Low FODMAP Diet in Practice

Low FODMAP Diet in Practice

R Free  60mins Low FODMAP Diet in Practice Delicious & Plant-Based Low FODMAP Cooking Dr Bridgette Wilson and Leon Rothera Wednesday 27 April 20:00–21:00 BST View this recording #FODMAPPractice #MyNutriKitchen  #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Low FODMAP Diet in Practice...
The low FODMAP diet in IBS – Mechanisms & efficacy

The low FODMAP diet in IBS – Mechanisms & efficacy

R Free  60mins The low FODMAP diet in IBS – Mechanisms & efficacy Dr Bridgette Wilson Wednesday 6 April 20:00–21:00 BST View this recording #FODMAPScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb The low FODMAP diet in IBS – mechanisms & efficacy Dr Bridgette Wilson Wednesday...