What is Complete Nutrition?

What is Complete Nutrition?

Interview with Jessica Stansfield, RNutr, Junior Nutrition Manager at Huel, MRes Performance Nutrition Complete food is a relatively new and unique addition to the food industry. At MyNutriWeb we wanted to find out more. We recently caught up with Jessica Stansfield,...
Key Resources: Personalised Nutrition

Key Resources: Personalised Nutrition

Following on from our webinar, personalised nutrition for metabolic health, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar. If you missed the live webinar, you can register to watch the recording for 60 minutes of endorsed...
Food Trends and Fads: what health professionals need to know

Food Trends and Fads: what health professionals need to know

With the power to influence and change what consumers eat, it’s vital health professionals stay abreast of food trends and fads. Registered Dietitian Juliette Kellow explains… The start of a new year typically brings with it a barrage of food, diet and nutrition...
Eating Disorders & Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction

Eating Disorders & Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction

R Free  60mins Eating Disorders & Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction Nick Trott, Ursula Philpot Wednesday 28 February 2024 20:00–21:00 GMT View this Recording #EDGutBrain #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Eating Disorders & Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction Nick...
Semaglutide and Weight

Semaglutide and Weight

R Free  60mins Semaglutide and Weight Professor Giles Yeo Tuesday 13 February 2024 20:00–21:00 GMT View this Recording i Season 5 #MNWJournalClub #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: There has been much controversy surrounding the recent surge in...