Following on from our 2 part series into the National Food Strategy, we have pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinars, plus some additional ones on the topic. We have also included useful websites and social media accounts recommended to keep up to date on the subject. If you missed the live webinars, you can watch the recordings.
Download a PDF visual summary of the main webinar message.
The Plan (2021). 290 page report outlining the full plan
The Evidence (2021). 175 page report outlining the evidence behind the nature and climate
The Recommendations in Full (2021). 73 page report outlining key recommendations
The impact of a tax on added sugar and salt: an Institute for Fiscal Studies working paper in collaboration with the National Food Strategy (2021). Working paper on the impact of a tax on added sugar and salt
Your future, your food: youth consultation for the National Food Strategy (2020). Youth consultation for the NFS
Part 1 – The Full Report (2020). Part 1 of the NFS
Restricting promotions of products high in fat, sugar and salt by location and by price: government response to public consultation (2021), Department of Health and Social Care. The government’s plan for reducing the promotion of HFSS foods – a key recommendation within the NFS
Sustainable Diets Policy (2021), The British Dietetic Association. Policy statement prepared by a specially convened BDA working group
Sugar reduction: progress report, 2015 to 2019 (2020), Public Health England. Report into the progress of sugar reduction
Ultra-processed food consumption and risk of obesity: a prospective cohort study of UK Biobank (2021), Rauber F et al. Evidence that higher consumption of ultra-processed food is strongly associated with a higher risk of multiple indicators of obesity in the UK adult population
Is Obesity Policy in England Fit for Purpose? Analysis of Government Strategies and Policies, 1992–2020 (2021), Theis D and White M. Analysis of government strategies and policies into obesity
Ultra-processing is the new frontier in public health policy—reflections on the National Food Strategy (2021), The British Medical Journal. How we can work towards a healthier future
Healthier and more sustainable diets: What changes are needed in high-income countries? (2021), Simon Steenson and Judith Buttriss. The British Nutrition Foundation’s review paper considering nutritional quality of diets, alongside environmental benefits, in order to achieve sustainable diets
National Diet & Nutrition Survey (2020), Public Health England. The most recent survey of the UK’s current eating habits
Salt reduction in the United Kingdom: a successful experiment in public health (2013), He et al. A comprehensive analysis of the programme with an aim of providing a step-by-step guide of developing and implementing a national salt reduction strategy
The British Nutrition Foundation responds to the National Food Strategy report (2021), The British Nutrition Foundation
The Vegan Society Reacts to National Food Strategy Part 2 (2021), The Vegan Society
Food Foundation Response to National Food Strategy (2021), The Food Foundation
AHDB Response to the National Food Strategy (2021), Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
National Food Strategy Report: What You Need to Know (2021), The Vegetarian Society
National food strategy: what’s in it for population health? (2021), British Medical Journal
RSPH responds to the National Food Strategy Part 2 (2021), Royal Society for Public Health
Reflections on the National Food Strategy – will it optimise the UK’s food system for nutrition and equity? (2021), World Obesity
The Plan (2021), The Food Foundation. Henry Dimbleby in conversation with Sarah Mukherjee
Plate of the Nation: Second Serving (2021), The Food Programme. Sheila Dillon speaks to Henry Dimbleby about the final part of the National Food Strategy
Fungal Protein – What Is It and What Is the Health Evidence? (2021), Dr Emma Derbyshire. A systematic review focusing on Mycoprotein
E-newsletter for Health Professionals
@Food_Foundation (Twitter), _foodfoundation (Instagram) and Food Foundation (Youtube) for the Food Foundation
@Quorn_nutrition (Twitter), @quorn_nutrition (Instagram) and Quorn Nutrition (website) for Quorn Nutrition
@BDA_Sustainable (Twitter), @bda_sustinablediets (Instagram) for the British Dietetic Association’s Sustainable Diets Specialist Group
@HenryDimbleby (Twitter) for Henry Dimbleby – Author of the National Food Strategy
Webinar Speakers
@HelloHealthyYou (Twitter), hellohealthyyou_ (Instagram) and Jenny Rosborough (Linkedin) for Jenny Rosborough, Registered Nutritionist, Head of Nutrition at Jamie Oliver Ltd
@DriscollMark (Twitter) and Tasting The Future (Website) for Dr Mark Driscoll, Founder and Director of Tasting the Future
@pamela_mason (Twitter) and Pamela Mason (LinkedIn) for Dr Pamela Mason, Public Health Nutritionist
@profpaulgately (Twitter) and Paul Gately (LinkedIn) for Professor Paul Gately, Professor of Exercise and Obesity
@greenfoodpolicy (Twitter) and Lindy Sharpe (LinkedIn) for Dr Rosalind Sharpe, Food Policy Specialist
@katfoodjenner (Twitter) and Katharine Jenner (Linkedin) for Katharine Jenner, Head of Campaigns and Policy at CASSH
@TanyaHaffnerRD (Twitter) and Tanya Haffner (LinkedIn) for Tanya Haffner Founder CEO RD at MyNutriWeb
Recipe Reel for Quorn Paella – Recipe video relating to the recommendations made in the National Food Strategy (#Ad)
Plant-based Eating For The Health of People And The Planet (2021). Blog post with Dr Gemma Newman – a look into planetary health diets
If we stop eating meat, what happens to farmers? (2020). Interview with RNut Rhiannon Lambert for her Food for thought podcast on reducing meat intake
Sustainable Healthy Eating – What Does This Really Look Like? (2019). 60 minute webinar available on demand – a look into sustainable diets
Sustainable Diets – BDA One Blue Dot Webinar (2019). 60 minute webinar available on demand – an overview of the scientific evidence supporting sustainable diets