Following on from our webinar on ’Sweeteners & Diabetes’, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the webinar. If you missed the live webinar, you can register to watch the recording.


Health effects of the use of non-sugar sweeteners: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022). World Health Organisation (WHO). Systematic review which brings together the most current scientific evidence on health effects of non-sugar sweetener use

The Use of Low or No Calorie Sweeteners (2018). Diabetes UK. Position statement from regarding the use of sweeteners

The Use of Low Calorie Sweeteners – Insights Gathered (2018). Diabetes UK. Position statement

The Use of Artificial Sweeteners (2016). British Dietetic Association. Policy statement around sweeteners including their use within diabetes

Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (2015). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE Guidelines NG28

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to intense sweeteners and contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (2011). European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Scientific opinion in relation to health claims and sweeteners


Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human glucose tolerance (2022). Suez et al. Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) and their impact on the microbiome

Artificial sweeteners and risk of cardiovascular diseases: results from the prospective NutriNet-Santé cohort (2022). Debras et al. Study published in the BMJ – a large scale prospective cohort study suggesting a potential direct association between higher artificial sweetener consumption and increased cardiovascular disease risk

Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study (2022). Debras et al. Cohort study showing a link between artificial sweeteners and increased cancer risk

Laboratory studies of the dental properties of soft drinks (1989). Grenby et al. Study looking at low calorie soft drinks, suggesting fruit based (citric acid) drinks increase risk more than others


Sugar, Sweeteners and Diabetes. Practical advice

Eating Well with Diabetes. Dietary advice for diabetes

What is a Healthy Balanced Diet for Diabetes. Practical advice into healthy eating for diabetes

Learning Zone Courses to help individuals understand more about the management of diabetes, including practical sessions on eating well


Website – Online diabetes competency-based training for healthcare staff

@CDEPDiabetes (Twitter) and @cdepdiaebtes (Instagram) accounts


The Eatwell Guide (2019). National Health Service (NHS). A visual guide as to what constitutes a healthy balanced diet

The Truth about Sweeteners (2019). NHS. Practical advice on the health impact of sweeteners

Low and no calorie sweeteners (LNCS) FAQs (2016). British Nutrition Foundation (BNF). Useful guide from the BNF


@DiabetesUK (Twitter), Diabetes UK (Website) and diabetesuk (Instagram) for Diabetes UK – the UK’s leading diabetes charity

@DiabetesUKProf (Twitter) for Diabetes UK Professionals

@dtwenefour (Twitter) for Douglas Twenefour RD – Deputy Head of Care at Diabetes UK

@DSG_BDA (Twitter) and dsg_bda (Instagram) for the BDA Diabetes Specialist Group

@amdiabetesassn (Twitter), amdiabetesassn (Instgram) and  The ADA (Website) for the American Diabetes Association


Type 2 Diabetes Remission – Different journeys, same destination (2022). Journal Club with Dr Denise Robertson exploring Type 2 Diabetes remission

Low Carb Diets: Latest Evidence and Practice (2021), Douglas Twenefour RD discusses the latest SACN report for the use of low carb diets in type 2 diabetes. Accompanying Resource Blog.

Nutrition, Diabetes and the Microbiome (2021), Dr Denise Robertson and Douglas Twenefour. 60 minute webinar and accompanying Resource Blog

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes (2020), Mike Lean. Webinar summarising the latest evidence around reversal of type 2 diabetes

Carb Confusion : Carbohydrate & Type 2 Diabetes (2020), Dr Paul McArdle. Webinar clarifying advice around carbohydrates for type 2 diabetes

Diabetes UK Nutrition Guidelines Webinar 3 – Cardiovascular Disease (2020), Douglas Twenefour. Webinar exploring cardiovascular disease and the link between diabetes

Diabetes UK Nutrition Guidelines Webinar 2 – Weight & Blood Glucose (2019), Dr Duane Mellor RD. Webinar focusing on weight control and diabetes

Diabetes UK Nutrition Guidelines Webinar 1 – Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes (2019), Dr Pam Dyson. Webinar highlighting the nutritional guidelines for the prevention of type 2 diabetes