Following on from our symposium ‘Shifting our Food Systems For Health and Climate’, we’ve pulled together some of the key resources and references discussed within the symposium, plus some additional ones on the topic. We have also included useful websites and social media accounts recommended to keep up to date on the subject. If you missed the live webinar, you can watch the recording.

Download a PDF visual summary of the main symposium messages.


The 17 Goals (2021). United Nations. The 17 goals for sustainable development

The National Food Strategy – The Plan (2021). The National Food Strategy. 290 page report outlining the full plan

Sustainable Diets Policy (2021). The British Dietetic Association. Policy statement prepared by a specially convened BDA working group

Farm to Fork Strategy (2021). European Commission. Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system

Food 2030 Pathways for Action (2020). European Commission. Research and innovation policy as a driver for sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems

One Bite At a Time (2020). The European Consumer Organisation. Analysis of a survey of European consumers on attitudes towards sustainable food

Food Planet Health (2019). EAT Lancet. Summary report of the EAT-Lancet Commission

Creating a Sustainable Food Future (2019). World Resources Institute. A Menu of Solutions to Feed Nearly 10 Billion People by 2050

Net Zero – The UK’s Contribution to Stopping Global Warming (2019). Climate Change Committee. The Committee on Climate Change recommends a new emissions target for the UK: net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050

Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways

The Eatwell Guide: a More Sustainable Diet (2016). Carbon Trust. Report looking into the environmental impacts of the Eatwell Guide

Gut feelings and possible tomorrows: (where) does animal farming fit? (2015). Food Climate Research Network. Report looking into the Future of Food problem

The Paris Agreement (2015). United Nations Climate Change. An outline of what The Paris Agreement means, how it works and what has been achieved so far


Moving beyond organic – A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming (2021). Roos et al. The study of a farm aiming to move beyond organic and become “a sustainable farm of the future”

The healthiness and sustainability of national and global food based dietary guidelines: modelling study (2020). This analysis suggests that national guidelines could be both healthier and more sustainable

Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017 (2019). Afshin et al. Study providing a picture of the potential impact of suboptimal diet on non-communicable diseases (NCD) mortality and morbidity, showing the need for improving diet across nations

Multiple health and environmental impacts of foods (2019). Clark A et al. Study finding that foods associated with improved adult health also often have low environmental impacts, indicating that the same dietary transitions that would lower incidences of noncommunicable diseases would also help meet environmental sustainability targets

Global food system emissions could preclude achieving the 1.5° and 2°C climate change targets (2020). Research highlighting that major changes are needed in how food is produced to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement

Defining a land boundary for sustainable livestock consumption (2018). Van Zanten et al. Study quantifying the optimal level of animal protein consumption from a resource use efficiency perspective, showing the need to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy at global level

Limiting livestock production to pasture and by-products in a search for sustainable diets (2016). Roos et al. Developing a method for designing ‘fair’ diets (not using more than globally available arable land per capita) and for assessing the sustainability of such diets


Climate CalculatorTake a Bite out of Climate Change. Calculate the climate impact of different foods using the climate stack calculator

Climate Food Flashcards. Take a Bite out of Climate Change. Game designed to help educate the public and children about the variation of greenhouse gas emissions caused by producing different foods

Faccwtha BookTake a Bite out of Climate Change. A book aimed at the general public, about how different foods contribute to climate change

Climate Food ChallengeTake a Bite of Climate Change. Game where you arrange foods in order of their climate footprint

Take a Bite out of Climate Change .Take a Bite out of Climate Change. Youtube channel

Climate Hub. Carbon Cloud. Explore the carbon footprints of foods from around the world

BDA Tips for a Sustainable DietBritish Dietetic Association (BDA). Tips from the BDA including sustainable fakeawayssustainable basketssustainable hacks and more

Sustainable Diet (2021). The British Dietetic Association (BDA). Food fact sheet from the BDA

Sustainable Food Cookbook (2021). Catherine Campbell; Catherine ‘Cate’ Goodman; Douglas Livingston; Nikola Mazur; Elaine Penman; Laura Cacheda Roces; & Lisa Singh. Free E-cookbook made by Dietetic Students from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)

How to Eat More Plants (2021). Rosie Martin. Blog post with top tips for plant-based diets

Food and Climate Change (2020). S L Bridle. Book – How to change your diet the easiest way to help save the plant

The Vegan Eatwell Plate (2020). The Vegan Society. Adaptation of the Eatwell Guide for Vegans including sustainable tips

Vegan for Life (2020). The Vegan RD. Virginia Messina’s guide for optimal healthy eating on a vegan diet

Planetary Health DietEAT Lancet. A global planetary health diet for people and the plant – discover the report’s key takeaways and specific actions to contribute to the Great Food Transformation

Recommendations from Vegan HealthThe Vegan RD. Key recommendations for eating well on a vegan diet, addressing the nutrients which are of more concern in vegan than omnivore diets


Resources for Health Care Professionals including Articles and E-Newsletters,and plant-based eating information

Sustainability Update (2020). A report into sustainability progress for Oatly

@oatly (Twitter), Oatly (Website) and Oatly HCP (Health Care Professionals Website)



@Ekobonden (Twitter) and Jannelundsgard (Website) for Adam Arnesson

@EATForum (Twitter) and EAT Forum (Website) for the EAT Forum

@Elin_Roos_SE (Twitter) for Elin Roos

@poet_economist (Twitter) for Joseph Robertson

@WhichUK (Twitter), Which (Website) for Which

@goodfoodfinance (Twitter) and Good Food Finance (Website) for Good Food Finance

@TheVeganRD(Twitter) and @ginnymessina (Instagram) for US RD Virginia Messina

plantdietitianrosie (Instagram) and Rosemary Nutrition (Website) for RD Rosemary Martin

@Carbon_Cloud (Twitter),  Carbon Cloud (Website) for Carbon Cloud

@equisime (Twitter) for Dr Ximena Schmidt


Blue Food Assessment (Twitter) for Blue Food Assessment

@ProjectUniseco (Twitter) and Uniseco (Website) for Uniseco

@BDA_Sustainable (Twitter) for the British Dietetic Association’s Sustainable Diets Specialist Group

@plantbasedhpuk (Twitter) and Plant Based Health Professionals (Website) for Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

@IPCC_CH (Twitter),  IPCC (Instagram) and IPCC (Website) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

@TheVeganSociety (Twitter), theoriginalvegansociety (Instagram) and Vegan Society (Website) for the Vegan Society


Changing Behaviours: From Policy to Table (2021) – Half day e-symposium looking into sustainable eating and the role of behaviour change and supporting resource blog

National Food Strategy: From What to How (2021) and National Food Strategy Digested (2021) and supporting resource blog

How to be Vegan Savvy: A Practical Guide (2021) A webinar with Azmnia Govindji RD discussing the key nutritional considerations when counselling clients who wish to adopt a vegan diet

Is a Sustainable Diet More Expensive? (2020) – 60 mins webinar with Dr Christian J Reynolds

If we stop eating meat, what happens to farmers? (2020). Interview with RNut Rhiannon Lambert for her Food for thought podcast on reducing meat intake

Vegan diets, person centred practice (2020) Heather Russell, RD from The Vegan Society, talks us through the practical aspects of a vegan diet

Sustainable Healthy Eating – What Does this Really Look Like? (2019) – 60 mins webinar with Dr Fabrice Declerck and RD Elphee Medici

Sustainable Diets – BDA One Blue Dot Webinar (2019) – 60 mins webinar with Tom Embury, Clare Pettinger and Lynne Garton