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Continuous Glucose Monitoring – Help or Hype?
Professors Giles Yeo & Gary Frost with Expert Panel
Tues 18th March 17:00 – 20:15 GMT
Nutrition, Lifestyle and Menopause
Full Day
Thurs 27 March 10:00 – 17:05 GMT
Watch our CPD accredited recorded free webinars from any device – wherever, whenever suits you best
Glycaemic Index – It’s time to take another look
Professor Gary Frost
Food First for Malnutrition and Planet
Louise Kirkham, Sophia Cornelius
Nutrition and Inflammation
Professor Philip Calder, Dr Maria-Luz Fernandez
Optimising Gut Health: Empowering Individuals
Catherine Rabess
Sustainability in Nutrition and Dietetics
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: Latest evidence and practical strategies
Dr Elizabeth Schneider
Nutritional Challenges – Girls and Women in Sports
Faye Townsend
Sugar Free Biscuits – Sweet or Sour?
Dr Duane Mellor
UPF Exposure & Health Outcomes
Long Li
The Microbiome of IBD and CD
Dr Bridgette WilsonCristian Costas Batlle
Night shift workers and weight management
Dr Rachel Gibson
Low Carb Diets in Dyslipidaemia
Dr Thomas Butler
Innovations in Women’s Health
Full Day
Eating Disorders & Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction
Nick Trott, Ursula Philpot
Semaglutide and Weight
Professor Giles Yeo
Personalised Nutrition for Metabolic Health
Dr Sarah Berry
Obesity Management: From Strategy to Practice
Full Day
Plant-based Alternatives to Dairy
Dr Sue Reeves
A to Z of Food Trends for 2024
Juliette Kellow
The Art and Impact of Influencing in Nutrition
Joanna Sadiewith Expert Panel
Yakult Science Study Day
Full day
Professor Glenn Gibson: Current perspectives on gut health research: focus on prebiotics
Free 6 hours Current perspectives on gut health research: focus on prebiotics Professor Glenn Gibson#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Current perspectives on gut health research: focus on prebiotics Professor Glenn Gibsonfree 6 hours #GutToGrips...
Professor Paul Cotter: Gut microbiota and personalised nutrition: A focus on fermented foods
Free 6 hours Gut microbiota and personalised nutrition: A focus on fermented foods Professor Paul Cotter#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Gut microbiota and personalised nutrition: A focus on fermented foods Professor Paul Cotterfree 6 hours...
Professor Bruno Pot: Probiotics and the gut microbiota: key players in health?
Free 6 hours Probiotics and the gut microbiota: key players in health? Professor Bruno Pot#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Probiotics and the gut microbiota: key players in health? Professor Bruno Potfree 6 hours #GutToGrips #YakultScience...
Dr Emily Leeming: Gut-Brain Axis: Food, mood and your gut microbiome
Free 40 minsGut-Brain Axis: Food, mood and your gut microbiome Dr Emily Leeming#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Gut-Brain Axis: Food, mood and your gut microbiome Dr Emily Leemingfree 40 mins#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb OPEN TO...
Brandilyn A. Peters-Samuelson: Menopause, hormones and the gut microbiome
Free 40 minsMenopause, hormones and the gut microbiome Brandilyn A. Peters-Samuelson#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Menopause, hormones and the gut microbiome Brandilyn A. Peters-Samuelsonfree 40 mins#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb...
Natalie Yerlett: The Gut: Skin Axis
Free 40 minsThe Gut:Skin Axis Natalie Yerlett#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb The Gut:Skin Axis Natalie Yerlettfree 40 mins#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb OPEN TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, TUTORS AND STUDENTSPart of the symposium...
Dr James Kinross: Faecal microbiota transplants: how it works and why it doesn’t
Free 40 minsFaecal microbiota transplants: how it works and why it doesn’t Dr James Kinross#GutToGrips #YakultScience #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Faecal microbiota transplants: how it works and why it doesn’t Dr James Kinrossfree 40 mins#GutToGrips #YakultScience...
Skin Food
Dr Thivi Maruthappu
Plant-based Diets and Blood Lipids
Dr Shireen Kassam
Nutrition and Cancer Myths Debunked
Gracia Arulpragasam and Sarah Kefyalew
Protein: for exercise performance and recovery
Dr Christopher Rosimus
Low and no calorie sweeteners: your questions answered
Expert panel
Reframing Dietary Therapies for IBS
Christian Shaw, Nick Trott
Communication strategies for the Eatwell Guide
Tai Ibitoye
Nutrition for skin health: practical tips for tricky questions
Dr Thivi Maruthappu
Understanding Disordered Eating
Maeve Hanan
Roundtable – Ultra-processed foods: the SACN update
Expert panel
Histamine intolerance and the gut microbiota
Rosie Hogg
The M Word: Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause
Dr Philippa Kaye
What The Gut – Making sense of fibre & the gut microbiome
Professor Denise Robertson, Jenna Hope and Dr Zoe Williams
Learning Disabilities and Nutrition
Briony Caffrey
Dietary Preference or an Eating Disorder?
Professor Jane Ogden
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: An update on diet and lifestyle interventions
Dr Nicola Guess
Probiotics in the Management of Gut Disorders: What is the evidence?
Dr Bridgette Wilson
Social Media & Eating Behaviour
Dr Brian Power PhD
Mind and Gut: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health
Kaitlin Colucci
Sustainable Diets: Key updates
Dr Angelina Frankowska, Anna-Lena Klapp, Michela Faccioli
Postpartum Depression and Iron Deficiency
Karen O’Callaghan
Unprocessed: Food and our mental health crisis
Kimberley Wilson CPsychol
Government Strategies on Nutrition in Pregnancy
£1040mins Government Strategies on Nutrition in Pregnancy Professor Lucilla Poston CBE#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebGovernment Strategies on Nutrition in Pregnancy Professor Lucilla Poston CBE £1040mins #MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebOPEN TO ALL...
Engaging adolescents in changing their behaviour
£1040mins Engaging adolescents in changing their behaviour Professor Mary Barker#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebEngaging adolescents in changing their behaviour Professor Mary Barker£1040mins #MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebOPEN TO ALL HEALTH...
Nutritional interventions in endometriosis
£1040mins Nutritional interventions in endometriosis Dr Kate Maslin#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebNutritional interventions in endometriosis Dr Kate Maslin£1040mins #MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebOPEN TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, TUTORS AND STUDENTS...
Eating Disorders in the Perinatal Period: Implications for Pregnancy and Birth
£1040minsEating Disorders in the Perinatal Period: Implications for Pregnancy and Birth Dr Abigail Easter#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebEating Disorders in the Perinatal Period: Implications for Pregnancy and Birth Dr Abigail Easter£1040mins#MNWWomensHealth...
The Menopause Transition
£1040mins The Menopause Transition Dr Sarah Berry#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebThe Menopause Transition Dr Sarah Berry£1040mins #MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebOPEN TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, TUTORS AND STUDENTS Part of the symposium 'Women’s...
Pregnancy after bariatric surgery – what do we know and what should we do?
£1040minsPregnancy after bariatric surgery – what do we know and what should we do? Dr Kathryn Hart #MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebPregnancy after bariatric surgery – what do we know and what should we do? Dr Kathryn Hart£1040mins#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb...
Atherosclerosis: not just a man’s disease
£1040mins Atherosclerosis: not just a man’s disease Dr Wendy Hall#MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebAtherosclerosis: not just a man’s disease Dr Wendy Hall£1040mins #MNWWomensHealth #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebOPEN TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, TUTORS AND STUDENTS Part...
Women’s Health Across The Lifespan
Full Day
Dysphagia – Optimising Nutritional Care
Laura Clarke, Emily Stuart
UPFs or HFSS?: Which are worse for our health?
Dr Duane Mellor
ARFID – Nutritional Management
Clare Thornton Wood
Ultra-processed foods & heart health
Jenny Rosborough, RNutr
Type 2 Diabetes: Improving blood glucose & liver fat without weight loss
Dr Nicola Guess
Your Blueprint for strong immunity
Dr Jenna Macciochi
Cost of Living Crisis. What does it mean for UK diets?
Rebecca Tobi, RNutr
The Veganuary Effect: Measuring the impact on sales of plant-based vs meat products
Dr Sue Reeves, RNutr
Female Fertility: The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle
Ro Huntriss, Dr Helen O’Neill
Motivating or Stigmatising? Finding effective public health messaging
Professor Jane Ogden
PCOS: Nutrition and Lifestyle
Claire Pettitt
Nutrition for Immunity
Dr Caroline Childs, Dr Jenna Macciochi
Soy products – future opportunities & novel applications
Expert Panel
Sweeteners and Diabetes. Friend or Foe?
Duane Mellor
The Science of Nutrition
Rhiannon Lambert
Chrono-Nutrition in Practice
Dr Wendy Hall
Addressing Weight Stigma in Healthcare
Professor Giles Yeo and Expert Speakers Roundtable
The Eatwell Guide. Time for a shake up?
Roundtable Discussion
Soy Isoflavones in the Endocrine System
Expert Panel
Type 2 diabetes remission: Different journeys, same destination
Professor Denise Roberston
Fussy Eating in Toddlers
Charlotte Stirling-Reed
Dietitians as entrepreneurs, innovators and influencers – a case example
Tanya Haffner
Long COVID & Nutrition
Aaron Boysen
Sweeteners and Cancer Risk: Unpicking the link
Duane Mellow & Dr Caroline Childs
The Diversity Diet
Dr Megan Rossi
Hyperemesis Gravidarum: consequences and management
£840minsHyperemesis Gravidarum: consequences and management Dr Melanie Nana OR#EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebHyperemesis Gravidarum: consequences and management Dr Melanie Nana OR £840mins#ShiftingFoodSystems #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebOPEN TO ALL HEALTH...
Maternal nutritional interventions in life course research
£840minsMaternal nutritional interventions in life course research Professor Lucilla Poston CBE#EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWebMaternal nutritional interventions in life course research Professor Lucilla Poston CBE £840mins#ShiftingFoodSystems #MyNutriWeb...
Nutritional management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
£8 40mins Nutritional management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Nardos Yemane #EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Nutritional management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Nardos Yemane £8 40mins #ShiftingFoodSystems #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb OPEN TO ALL...
Plant-based diets in pregnancy: risks and recommendations
£8 50mins Plant-based diets in pregnancy: risks and recommendations Dr Jessica Rigutto-Farebrother #EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Plant-based diets in pregnancy: risks and recommendations Dr Jessica Rigutto-Farebrother £8 40mins #ShiftingFoodSystems...
Nutrition and lifestyle before and between pregnancies
£8 40mins Nutrition and lifestyle before and between pregnancies Dr Danielle Schoenaker #EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Nutrition and lifestyle before and between pregnancies Dr Danielle Schoenaker £8 40mins #ShiftingFoodSystems #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb OPEN TO...
Type 2 diabetes – who is prepared for pregnancy?
£8 40mins Type 2 diabetes – who is prepared for pregnancy? Dr Rita Forde #EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Type 2 diabetes – who is prepared for pregnancy? Dr Rita Forde £8 40mins #ShiftingFoodSystems #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb OPEN TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS,...
Calcium for prevention of pre-eclampsia
£8 40mins Calcium for prevention of pre-eclampsia Professor Laura Magee #EarlyLifeNutr #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb Calcium for prevention of pre-eclampsia Professor Laura Magee £8 40mins #ShiftingFoodSystems #MyNutriWeb @MyNutriWeb OPEN TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, TUTORS...
Preconception and Pregnancy Nutrition and Health
Full Day
Vitamin D Status of the UK African-Caribbean Population
Tai Ibitoye & Dr Caroline Childs
Milk Intolerance in Adults
Dr Yvonne Jeanes & Dr Caroline Childs
Health before pregnancy to improve outcomes
Dr Angela Flynn
Diabetes No More: a dream coming true
Professor Mike Lean
Decolonising weight management: ethnicity-related differences in obesity
Dr Fatima Perez de Heredia Benedicte
Can probiotics reduce gastrointestinal complaints in athletes?
Connor Parker
Effectiveness of workplace wellness programmes – systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Dr Sue Reeves
Time-restricted eating for obesity management
Dr Fatima Perez de Heredia, Dr Caroline Childs
Can a mobile app improve nutrition for women before and during pregnancy
Dr Sarah Hillier
The common cold – could probiotics help?
Dr Gemma Walton
Energy content of frequently purchased restaurant meals
Dr Sue Reeves
Top tips for reading and reviewing a paper
Free60minsTop tips for reading and reviewing a paper Dr Caroline Childs Season 1#JournalClub @MyNutriWeb CONTENT AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Clear understanding of: The pathway by which research is conducted and published The language of research study designs The...
Recorded Expert Interviews
Watch our interviews with Expert Speakers on latest research and hot topics from any device – wherever, whenever suits you best
How can we offer nutrition support to clients at home during self-isolation?
Sue Baic
Is a Sustainable Diet more Expensive?
Dr Christian Reynolds